Important Disclosure Information
CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE FORWARDED. *Information purposes only. Limited information and disclosure from sources believed to be reliable. Significant investment risk. Prepared by ClearImpact Ventures. ClearImpact Ventures LLC is a relying adviser to CBF Advisors, LLC, an affiliated advisory firm that is registered with the SEC. ClearImpact Ventures LLC and CBF Advisors, LLC are owned by Clearbrook LLC. Units offered under Reg D Rule 506(c). Not an offer to buy or sell any security, unit or LP interest in any jurisdiction in which unlawful to solicit. To be read in conjunction with the funds offering and governing documents which shall fully govern control on all rules, terms & issues.
The Information is made available at your request to aid in the review of the LG Nova Prime Venture Fund I. Please be advised that the Fund is not registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, and therefore investors will NOT receive the protec- tions afforded under the Investment Company Act, and the Fund will NOT be subject to the same regulatory requirements as registered funds, including requirements to provide certain periodic and standardized pricing and valuation information to investors.
In addition, interests in the Fund are deemed “private placements” which are exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 and public disclosure requirements, as long as certain requirements are met and, as such, carry a high degree of risk. Private placements such as these are illiquid investments, with no guarantee of returns, distributions and/or interest payments, and it is possible to lose some or all of the investment. The Fund may require more capital in the future to continue growing, with no guarantee that the Issuer will be successful in securing it.
Many factors can affect the Fund’s performance, including changes in market conditions and interest rates, and other economic, political or financial developments. No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate risk in any market environment. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The information in this report is only as current as of the date indicated and may be superseded by subsequent events or for other reasons.